Saturday, December 21, 2013

Focus on Life Week 51: Togetherness

This is a tough one for me because as you all know, I'm flying solo here. And to be honest, I kept thinking we were doing red this week, lol, so I took pics of red. Again. Sheesh.....

It's hell to get old.

So I'll post an old one of me and Santa...

Happy Christmas everyone, and to those that don't celebrate, have a happy day.  Travel safe.



  1. Love your pic w/Santa! It's got togetherness and red all rolled into one! (yes, it can be hell getting old! LOL!!) Wishing you a lovely week and sending out warm thoughts and vibes your way. Cheers,~Shel~

  2. A perfect photo for the Season, Donna :)
    Wishing you peace and comfort at Christmas x

  3. Glad you found a great togetherness shot, new or old!

  4. Well that works! Good stuff, and I guess you are together with red at the moment :)

  5. Hope you have a wonderful holiday. Cute picture!

  6. Big girls like Santa too. This is a charming photo Donna. Merry Christmas to you.
