Saturday, December 14, 2013

Focus On Life Week 49 and 50

Greetings.  I've had problems logging in here for 2 weeks now! WTH??? blogger!!!

So I'm a week behind and I'm going to do 2 posts to get caught up.  First I'll start with last weeks, SPARKLE.  And boy, do I have sparkle.  :)

I was going through some boxes that I had not opened since I moved, more than 5 years ago now. And look what I found SPARKLE! 

So many little jars of glass frit that were gifted to me a number of years ago, I'd completely forgotten abut them.  Now that is a lot of sparkle, lol.

This week we are doing red.  I have many red photo's to share. Thank god for cell phones, cuz I use mine ALL THE TIME, lol.

I had a few more images that I wanted to show but they keep coming out upside down and for the life of me I can't get it to change.  la tee da....

I've got stuff to do so I'm outta here.  Have a great week!


  1. My cell phone posts my pictures upside down too... don't remember what I did to fix it! Love the cat.... Those frit jars are lovely... wish my frit was in little corked spice jars not plastic bags that get holes in them when molten glass flies across the room!

  2. LOVE your Sparkle - those colors are great!! And, your red is super this week! Especially your kitty under the tree. I adore this photo and it's beautiful pop of red!! (and you cat is so beautiful!)

  3. I bet there are some beautiful beads in your future with all that sparkle!! Your kitty looks awfully serious sitting there - ha!

  4. Love your sparkle and red...and the kitty...she looks like she knew what she was doing!

  5. Oh my gosh - isn't that the best find? It's like Christmas came early. What beauties are in store..... And your kitty is just the sweetest thing. She looks too pretty to be real..... Have fun with your new finds!

  6. Wow, that is a lot of sparkle! I love the skirt that your cat is on!

  7. You always take such great photos Donna. I got to play with frit on Sunday. I took a copper enameling class with Sara Lukkonen of C-Koop Beads. It was wonderful to see the glass melt in and come alive as it cooled. It would be heaven to find a box of frit like that.You cat looks perfect on your tree skirt. Why are cats so attracted to Christmas trees?
