Saturday, February 23, 2013

Focus on Life - Week 8

I wasn't so sure I'd be able to partake in week 8 of Focus on Life, I spent 5 hours in the emergency room Monday night and when I went in I had no idea what was wrong with me, other than something was terribly wrong.  Lots of pokes, prods and images later I was told I have 2 lovely gallstones.  I had no idea they could make anyone so sick. 

This is my first week to participate as I joined late.  I really did not want to miss posting for my first time.  Luckily things seem to have stabilized, I'm feeling pretty good (knock on wood) and have completely made a lifestyle change with my diet. 

This weeks prompt was "monochromatic", which basically means in one color or shades of one color.  Early in the week I got out my camera and set about playing with a few things in the house. 

I really love this photo of Boo because if you look closely you can see his reflection in the plate glass he is sitting on.


The above photo of Boo is another perfect example of week 8's challenge.  The chair is white, the chair covering is black and white and Boo is silver.  Worked perfect I think.
The ice crystals I found were taken the day after Christmas 2012 while out on a hike.  And really, if one looks around themselves, at least in this part of the country, everything is pretty much in a monochromatic color scheme this time of year.

I love leaves, whether they are natural, glass, clay or even synthetic as in my dining room cutains, which I thought was a great monochromatic opportunity.

For whatgever reason, blogger is giving me fits this morning.  I am not able to re-size the pics like the first one and I can't add text below the first photo either.   So my first post for the Focus On Life isn't looking the way I hoped it would.  Sorry....but I hope you enjoy looking at my photo's anyway.  If you click on each one they do enlarge...Thanks for visting!  To see what everyone else did, click HERE  

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I've been a long time blogger using the format for self-promotion of my real time job as an artist.  It has worked well for me.  But now I am embarking on a new adventure in the blogging world by taking part in a year long photography project called Focus On Life.

Focus on Life is the brainstorm of Sally Russick and the whole idea of joining is posting your own original photography each week from a promt idea that is emailed to all participant's.  I'm late joining because I just learned about it a few days ago.  I sent Sally an email asking if I could join and she has allowed me to do so.  I am grateful, thank you Sally.

I wanted to keep my other blog separate from all the photography I'll be adding.  No need to clutter things up.  This blog will be for the purpose of the Focus On Life project and random photography from moi'. 

Welcome, enjoy the journey with me.