Friday, August 2, 2013

Focus on Life: HUES OF BLUE

It's all about blue this week and it worked out perfect for me because on Sunday morning I decided to dig out my sewing machine (haven't used it since last winter) and dust it off to make some pillow cases. 

Tada, BLUE!

I had so much fun making these that I bought some more fabric, and yup, it's blue too!
Have a great week, the weather here has been gorgeous but we could use some rain.
Thanks for stopping by last week and leaving comments!  xo


  1. Beautiful pillows Donna.

  2. love that fabric! and they look so comfy :)
    have a great week!!

  3. Beautiful! Lovely shades of blue. They look comfy, too!

  4. I like the bird print. Both are bold and happy.

  5. Love the second print....beautiful! So BLUE....thanks for the post!

  6. Wow, what a rich vibrant blue in both pics - loving both the fabrics - the bird one is stunning - I can just see a wall hanging in that!

  7. Just love those blue pillowcases. You and my sis-in-law were on the same wavelength. She found some Frida fabric on Etsy and made me pillowcases too. Your fabric makes me feel like I am on vacation!

  8. These are great! I wish my sewing skills were that good!
