I have a "centerpiece" on my dining room table. It's a lovely piece of pottery I grabbed when I was running through an airport somewhere, sometime. It's filled with pine cones (which I dearly love) that I also gathered here, there and anywhere.
But I'm mostly centered when I'm being creative, whether it's making beads..
or some jewelry
or photography when I'm out and about hiking. Whether it's wilderness here or in Alaska, that is when you'll find me most centered.
Deep in the Alaskan wilderness snowshoeing at minus 12*.
I was in my glory :)
And staying centered on the road when I'm driving through 12 inches of fresh new snow. Otherwise, I might slide right into the ocean (2nd pic)
But I really become centered in a place like this. It's where I find my true north.
Or when I can pick up a piece of frozen glacial melt that is millennia years old.
I have to stay centered in these places. My life and those around me depend on it. There is no making mistakes in these kind of elements.
I love it.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.