Friday, December 27, 2013

Focus On Life 2013 Week 52 - Saying Goodbye

I won't be continuing this journey with Sally in 2014.  I need to focus on my job and where that is taking me this year.

I'm traveling to Switzerland to teach and I have to focus on preparations for that.  I've never been to Europe and I hope to spend an extra 2 weeks when I'm done teaching to do some more traveling.  As long as I'm there, why not?  I'll also be teaching in Oklahoma this spring so I'm going to be busy.

I also want to say this journey for 2013 has been fun.  My life hasn't been easy and I may seem sad and lost at times.  And I probably am.  But for the most part I try to portray myself as someone that has it all together. And I do, most of the time.  I've learned to embrace my solitude.  After all, it's been given to me so I may as well make the most of it, right?

With that said, I'm leaving you with these two photograph's I took today.  It was lovely, temps were in the low 30's and I wanted to go snowshoeing.  I enjoy going alone and today was a perfect example of why.  If someone had been with me I would not have taken the time to play in the snow and make spirals.  I wouldn't have taken the time to take over 50 photo's.  I would not have enjoyed the solitude of this grand winter day.

Carry on my friends, may 2014 be good to each of you.



  1. We'll miss you, Donna, but it sounds like you have some exciting plans for 2014!
    Drop in any time you have a spare moment - you'll always be welcome :)
    Blessings for the New Year and all it may hold x

  2. Wow great shot! I too have decided not to participate next year, have a wonderful 2014 with all your new adventures on the horizon!

  3. Beautiful photos of the snow. Good luck in your teaching adventures. Happy New Year!

  4. Your photos are lovely. There's something about fresh snow that makes one feel like a kid again. I wish you could join us in the new year but I know the job will take a lot of your time. Enjoy your new journey and have a joyful new year!

  5. What gorgeous photos you have taken (as always!) and what exciting teaching and travel plans you have for 2014! May you have safe travels, lots of fun and more than enough photo opportunities to your breath away! :-) Wishing you a healthy and happy 2014!! Cheers, ~Shel~

  6. Best of luck on your new journey in 2014. I hope you will drop in when you can to see what we're up to.

  7. Gorgeous pictures and all the best for 2014, it sounds like it is going to be a great adventure. Happy, Happy New Year!

  8. What a wonderful experience for you Enjoy it all...

  9. Beautiful way to say goodbye. I hope you find the hustle and bustle rewarding! Your photos are perfect, and wonderful to look at.

  10. Donna I will really miss your amazing photos each week. Thanx for sharing part of you with us. How wonderful that you are going to Europe to teach. I wish you the best in the coming year.

  11. We'll miss you next year, hope you drop in a visit occasionally! Where in Switzerland are you teaching, I lived in Zurich for a year in 1969, It was a lovely city! Best of luck in the New Year, Love your snow pictures.. I still make snow angels if I find unblemished light fluffy snow!

    1. I'll be giving a 3 day workshop in Zurich and possibly some private classes as well. It looks like a beautiful city and yes, I'll be bringing multiple camer's along, lol.

  12. perfectly gorgeous pictures of how peaceful it is near you! I won't be joining the hop in 2014 either, but I hope that you'll continue to blog when you have the time and that you'll stop by my blog from time to time. How fantastic to be teaching in Europe - what an adventure! enjoy it! and may 2014 be a wonderfully fantastic year for you!

  13. Oh, I'll miss you, Donna - but I'll keep up with your wonderful beads and teaching opportunity and dogs on facebook. Enjoy your 2014 - may you have a fantastic one!
