Friday, May 31, 2013

Focus On Life Week 22~Foodie

Since February I've completely changed my eating habits.  I became violently ill and ended up going to the ER one frozen night and was informed I have 2 rather large gallstones.  I was in ER for 5 hours and accrued a $2500 bill, thank you very much. 

I don't have health insurance.  And no, the hospital would not work with me.

I digress....

I met with a surgeon 2 days after to discuss my options.  Of course surgery is ideal but where would I cough up almost 20 grand???

Not gonna happen.

My recourse, according to the doc, was to go fat free.  So that is what I am doing.  I read the labels, cut out all red meat, which wasn't hard because I didn't eat much meat anyway, no cheese or dairy products or very little.  No fried foods, which I didn't eat anyway and no oils, dressings, etc, which I also never ate.  But the cheese was hard to give up.  On the upside, I've been maintaining my health (such as it is) and I've lost 20 pounds!!!!  I find it amazing, really. 

It really hasn't been hard, I've even found some snacks that are very low in fat, there is also low fat gelato and I find if I just check the lables I can find many things that are low fat.  I even found some ice cream bars that are only 2 grams of fat per bar.  Whoohoo!  That made my day when I found those!  lol...

But I really really really miss pizza.  To think I haven't had any since February when I used to have it once a week, really boggles my mind.  Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to smell it, if I would really crave some then?? 

I dunno...

So right now in my life food isn't a big deal anymore.  Not sure if it ever really was.  Instead of posting a photo of some food I'm going to post a pic of a place setting I did a couple winters ago when I was bored one day (when you live alone and don't know anyone, you find things to amuse yourself, lol).

Have a great week and stay safe.



  1. I like this photo for this week. In the midst of all the photos about food, here is a place welcoming and awaiting food.

  2. NO CHEESE?! You are one strong woman. Good for you.

  3. No Pizza... actually in my case it would be no fettucini etc etc... One of the few things that I can cook and like to eat! I love your picture especially the quote!

  4. I find it amazing that the food we eat can affect out heath so much. Giving up fat would be hard for me. Good luck with it.

  5. Donna your place setting is beautiful. Excellent job loosing 20 pounds.

  6. I think your story is a terrific example of ways to address health issues outside the typical medical solution. And even though yours was prompted more by lack of medical insurance, it sounds like your are probably healthier now than if you would have taken the surgical route.

  7. Wishing you much continued success with your "new" healthy life style. Your photo is beautiful!

  8. Wow that is impressive and the absince of food just as meaningful as it's presence.

  9. Glad to hear you're having success w/your new food intake and I hope it helps w/your healthy issues. 20lbs is awesome!! I love your photo this week because w/out a place setting,...where would we put all this food!? Great shot!

  10. Beautiful photo!!! I love dishes and have collected several sets along the way. Unfortunately no one seems to have time to visit so my dishes sit in the china cabinet.

    I'm not sure I could give up cheese completely, and I admire you for taking action to improve your health!

  11. That is a lovely setting for your meal! Good luck with your diet!

  12. Lovely image, I'm happy to hear your health is improving.

  13. I wonder if you could use the vegan cheese. Would it melt or at least give you a way to have pizza?

    Love the photo. I paid more attention to the place settings this time for a dinner we hosted and I think it added to the whole event. I love dishes!

  14. Oh, Donna, so sorry to hear about your hospital stuff. There may be options you don't know about. When I had a bill after my daughter was born I went to billing and cried an gnashed my teeth until someone came over and said to take off the room fee. Guess I was making too much noise! Some hospitals have funding for folks with little money, and states can have odd programs- back to work and such- as well. Talk to the folks at the local medicare/caid office- they may be able to point you in the right direction.
