Saturday, March 16, 2013

Focus On Life - Week 11

The Possibilities are Endless
I'm late to the party, I know.  My bad...just another day in my life as a single beadmaker.  I work 7 days a week.  Most of the time.  Which brings me to this weeks topic.  
I make glass beads for a living.  It's called lampwork.  I use glass that comes from Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic, China and the US.  I love my job, it's my life.  And because of this, the possibilities are endless.

I have an endless array of glass colors to choose from when I work.  I can go wild and crazy or make subtle designs.  But usually my work is quite "out there".  I also have a large selection of specialized tools to use.  Some are made specifically for making beads, others are things I find here and there.  In my line of work the possibilities truely are endless.
My workbench, where the magic happens.
If you've never seen my beads, here are a couple pics:

As you can see, the possibilities are endless...
Thanks for visiting!
To see other participants of this weekly project, please click HERE


  1. Donna those beads are beautiful and you post fits great with the prompt. Dawn post #47 this week

  2. I don't think I've ever seen your workbench. Thank you for sharing. Your beads are so amazing and it is so hard to believe that they come from those rods of plain glass -- definitely endless possibilities.

  3. I love the picture of your workbench - you have such awesome great big windows, too! You already know I covet your beads - you are an amzing glass artist....

  4. Many thanks for your comments. I should have posted a close up pic of the glass rods....

  5. Your work takes the phrase endless possibilities to new heights. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hi Donna, Thanx for the great pics. I think your beads are wonderful. I just got a kiln last weekend and I'm very anxious to try making lampworked beads.

  7. Hey Becky, have fun and enjoy the journey! Thanks for the comments everyone!
