Sunday, September 29, 2013

Focus On Life Week 39: Your Best Shot

Last week I was unable to link so if you want to see what I posted please see below post. Thanks.

My best shot, hmmm...I love taking photographs of my daughter.  She loves to be photographed.  :)  Some of my best shots I took of her on a trip to Alaska March 2012.

The pic below was taken at Glensheen Mansion in Duluth, MN a few autumn's ago.

Like any Mother, I am partial and proud of my Daughter.  She is my only child and only living relative I have contact with.  She is my life.  Of course, I have other best shots too but I wanted to let the light shine on her today.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Focus on Life - Week 38 - A Quiet Moment

My quiet moments are in the evenings, after I've spent a day in the studio, which usually is 7 days a week.  I spend my evenings walking the dogs then coming home and making a nice supper.  But my most favorite quiet moments are spent hiking in wilderness area's, preferably in Alaska, but that doesn't happen as often as I'd like since I live in the midwest.  But at least once a year (sometimes more) I indulge myself with a trip back home. When I am alone out there in the wilds of either place I am at peace.  I am always on the hunt for the perfect photo.  Some of these are from where I live now and some are from hikes in Alaska.  Enjoy.

My friend and I hiked a 9 mile remote day trip up Greywingk Glacier in the Kenai Glacial Fields of Alaska last summer.  This rock reminded me of salmon when I found it.  I couldn't leave it behind so I threw it in my backpack (all 7 pounds) and with everything else I had in there (bottled water, energy bars, bug dope, extra jackets, sunscreen, etc.) my pack was heavy. We still had about 5 miles to hike after I found this rock.  It now graces the mantle of my fireplace and evokes many fond memories of a place deep in my heart.

Sometimes we find some odd things on our hikes.  This was an old one seater airplane we came across at the end of Kachemak Bay, where if any of you watch on TV The Last Frontier-Meet The Kilcher Family, is filmed. 

If you click the pic you will be able to see how small the cockpit is and that it's just made out of plywood!

And some old boats in the same area.  I wonder how long they've been "parked" there?

And my most favorite picture I've ever taken anywhere.  Overlooking Cook Inlet and the beginning of Kachemak Bay.  Taken at the scenic overlook just before driving down into Homer, Alaska.

And lastly, one of moi, doing what I love best, a quiet moment on the shore of Kink Glacier.  This was taken a few years ago, I've lost 25 pounds since this and let my hair grow long.

I hope you enjoyed seeing how I spent my quiet moments.      

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Focus on Life - Week 37 - Motion

Opps, it's Sunday morning and I forgot to do this yesterday.  FOR SHAME.
I thought about this prompt all week.  And came up with nothing.  Oh, there were things I thought would make great photograph's of motion but I don't have the right equipment to capture what I wanted to capture. Make sense? Best I can do instead is put up a couple pics of Rosie in motion.  Click on them, you can see them so much better.

Have a great week.
It rained here last night, YAY!!!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Focus on Life - Week 36 - In Two

Two, a pair.  Two flowers, some seeds, a pair of eyes, mother and daughter and 2 shadows.

I love this picture of my daughter and I.  It was taken in autumn 2001.  My first fall in Alaska and the happiest time of my life.

There are pairs of two everywhere.  This was a fun prompt.  Have fun looking around everyone, see you next week.