This is my first week to participate as I joined late. I really did not want to miss posting for my first time. Luckily things seem to have stabilized, I'm feeling pretty good (knock on wood) and have completely made a lifestyle change with my diet.
This weeks prompt was "monochromatic", which basically means in one color or shades of one color. Early in the week I got out my camera and set about playing with a few things in the house.
I really love this photo of Boo because if you look closely you can see his reflection in the plate glass he is sitting on.
The above photo of Boo is another perfect example of week 8's challenge. The chair is white, the chair covering is black and white and Boo is silver. Worked perfect I think.
The ice crystals I found were taken the day after Christmas 2012 while out on a hike. And really, if one looks around themselves, at least in this part of the country, everything is pretty much in a monochromatic color scheme this time of year.
I love leaves, whether they are natural, glass, clay or even synthetic as in my dining room cutains, which I thought was a great monochromatic opportunity.
For whatgever reason, blogger is giving me fits this morning. I am not able to re-size the pics like the first one and I can't add text below the first photo either. So my first post for the Focus On Life isn't looking the way I hoped it would. Sorry....but I hope you enjoy looking at my photo's anyway. If you click on each one they do enlarge...Thanks for visting! To see what everyone else did, click HERE